Taking a Stand for Social Housing

“STANDs for Social Housing” is a campaign strategy currently used by the Social Housing Coalition BC to draw public attention to the housing crisis in the province and the need for social housing. Every Saturday, on street corners across BC, people are making a STAND for social housing. They gather with a few friends for one hour on a corner in their community, hold a banner that reads “Social Housing Now,” and distribute information on the housing crisis and the ways it can be solved. The idea is to build popular awareness, foment widespread dissatisfaction with the current situation, and put pressure on all political parties to take a clear and resolute stand for social housing in the upcoming May provincial election.
Participating in a weekly STAND is a great way to engage people in our communities on this important issue. And it’s inspiring to know that you’re not alone; people across the province are doing the same. We have had STANDS in Vancouver, Burnaby, New Westminster, Surrey, Kamloops, Port Alberni, and Victoria, and they are about to happen in Smithers, Campbell River and Courtenay. And we are working at spreading them even further into cities, towns and communities throughout BC.
If you want to know where the STANDS are happening each week so you can join in the action, check the Social Housing Coalition BC website: http://socialhousingbc.com.