Bill Hopwood
Articles by Bill Hopwood
We are poor because they are rich
Finally, the proof we have been waiting for. Most of us have long suspected that the government of BC was in bed with the richest 1%. On April 1, 2014, this was confirmed. During Raise the Rates’ Tour of Two Cities, the Premier of BC married the super rich of the province, putting a $41,000 ring on their finger. The Premier promised to give more and more tax cuts to the richest 1%. They in turn promised to “lounge around in luxury until death do us part” and vowed to be married “for richer and richer, and richer, ignoring the poor.” (…)
Hungry for a Welfare Raise – The 2nd Annual Welfare Food Challenge
A group of dieticians and nutritionists were among the people who took Raise the Rates’ 2nd Annual Welfare Food Challenge. In spite of all their training and skills, none of them could work out a healthy and filling diet for a week with only $26 to spend. The Challenge is to voluntarily live only on the food a person can purchase with $26, which is the money a single able-bodied person on welfare has for food – every week. It is impossible to stay healthy on welfare. (…)