Therese Lulf

Articles by Therese Lulf

$12,000 for a chair

A Very Chilling & Alarming Contrast!

I think we have now come full circle with the insanity and cruelty known as gentrification. There is no room for doubt about the message that is being sent to this neighborhood: “We do not care about you, nor do we care for you.” There are two furniture stores and one restaurant all within two blocks: Blood Alley, Abbott Street, and Water Street. Salt restaurant in Blood Alley, Inform Furniture store at 50 Water Street, and Mountauk Sofa at 228 Abbott Street. (…)

The many faces of the Pidgin Picket (pic. Tami Starlight)

Displaced & then replaced

We, the displaced, and about to be displaced, are wondering what happened to some of our neighbours. We feel totally disconnected from some of them, and for all we know, they could have been beaten, become sick from exposure, or locked up.  We visit Pigeon Park for some companionship, and also in the hope to hear some news about our evicted, now lost friends.Our visits with one another in that little park are important to us, as we have very tiny rooms if we have one at all. Other than that we could be using a shelter, which as everyone knows, is not a home. (…)


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