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Reclaim International Working Women’s Day

March 8, 2017- 5:30 pm - 7:00 pm

This is an informal autonomous independent call out to all those who want to take a stand and take up space for Working class Women as we reclaim International Women’s Day as International WORKING Women’s Day, as it was inaugurated 100 years ago! We honour the struggles of our foremothers and educate, agitate, and organize for reproductive justice, sexual self-determination, free childcare, free education, free housing , wages for housework, equal pay for equal work, freedom from sexualized violence and harassment, among other demands!
Anyone and everyone is welcome to participate and attend of those oppressed under the system of capitalism. Let’s make space for our demands to be known in a public space, as we challenge head on the dying era of neoliberalism and its lies of liberal “feminism” of the 1%. We call instead for a renewed regeneration of the women’s movement and all interconnected struggles for liberation, real equality and freedom which can only happen with the replacement of capitalism and an end to imperialism. We want a socialist society where women are valued and have real political, economic, cultural and social power!
Bring your voice, your words, your body, your placards, your presence in whichever form you wish. Let it be known: there is no organizing committee, this is an autonomous independent spontaneous action event albeit one linked with the struggles of our sisters and brothers worldwide in international solidarity. Hope to see you there. Together, we are powerful!”


March 8, 2017
5:30 pm - 7:00 pm


700 W Georgia Street
Vancouver, Canada
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