Formerly Homeless Dave

Articles by Formerly Homeless Dave

deathstar_negwt-copyThe Trans-Pacific-Partnership Agreement is a Deathstar*

You have probably heard of the TPP by now. If you associate with progressive politics, you probably read and heard a lot of dire things about it. What’s worse is its all true. We have heard famed academics and economists speak of it as a Trojan horse, being injected into our political, social and economic system. (…)

herb_pidginWhy Picket the Pidgin Restaurant?

with Wendy Pedersen

Determined picketers have been opposing the very pricey gentrifying Pidgin Restaurant since it opened in early February. Pidgin is located on Carrall Street right across from Pigeon Park which for many years has been an important public space for DTES residents. We have been on the picket line every day, so we know both the restaurant and the picket against it are controversial and sometimes misunderstood. Our issue with Pidgin is bigger than Pidgin itself; we are picketing to stop gentrification altogether. (…)

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